At Trimco we manufacture high performance architectural hardware as well as design and produce custom solutions for various commercial purposes.
In the event of an emergency, the LDH100 does not require a key or hex-wrench to lockdown the doors from the inside; simply push the button on the end cap and the exit device automatically locks. The mechanism has a durable die-cast construction and is easily installed without special tools or removal of the exit device from the door. It is ideal for school perimeter doors, classrooms, banquet halls, government facilities or other locations where exit devices are required.
*LDH100 Series does not work in conjunction with ED, MLR/ELR – Motorized or Electric Latch Retraction Devices.
TRIMCO # | LDH100 |
Description | Lockdown Panic Button |
Available For | PHI – Precision Apex 2000 Series DM – Dorma 9000 Series VD – Von Duprin 98/99 & 33/35 Also Planned for: PHI – DS Prepped For DS880 MK – Marks 9900 Series CR – Corbin Russwin ED5000 Series |
Finishes | 605, 606, 625, 626, 690, RPC |
Why Lockdown Hardware?
The National Association of State Fire Marshals guidelines address door security devices, which are mandatory in many states as they are included as part of the International Building and Fire Codes and Life Safety Codes. They mandate that that locking mechanisms should be able to do the following:
1. Provide immediate egress by being located between 34” and 48” above the floor, and not require special knowledge or effort, nor key or tool, nor require tight grasping, twisting, or pinching to operate, and accomplished with one operation.
2. Be easily lockable in case of emergency from within the classroom with an authorized credential (key, card, code, fob, fingerprint, etc.) and without opening the door.
3. Lockable and unlockable from outside the door with an authorized credential.
Excerpt from the Final Report of the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission
Presented to Governor Dannel P. Malloy, State of Connecticut
March 6, 2015
RECOMMENDATION NO. 1: The SSIC (School Safety Infrastructure Council) Report includes a standard requiring classroom and other safe-haven areas to have doors that can be locked from the inside. The Commission cannot emphasize enough the importance of this recommendation. The testimony and other evidence presented to the Commission reveals that there has never been an event in which an active shooter breached a locked classroom door. Accordingly, the Commission reiterates its recommendation that all classrooms in K-12 schools should be equipped with locked doors that can be locked from the inside by the classroom teacher or substitute.
RECOMMENDATION NO. 2: The Commission also reiterates its recommendation that all exterior doors in K-12 schools be equipped with hardware capable of implementing a full perimeter lockdown.
• Simple, one-touch mechanical lockdown for exit devices
• Cost-effective, aftermarket or new construction solution
• Does not require a key or hex-wrench to lock down doors
• Durable die-cast construction
• ADA compliant
• Easy installation requires no special tools or removal of the panic device from the door
• Works with hex or cylinder dogging devices
• K-12 Schools
• Colleges & Universities
• Healthcare
• Government Facilities
• Public Buildings
• Hospitality